The Business Brain eCoaching

The Business Brain eCoaching experience is crafted to navigate you through your personal and professional growth challenges. Whether you're stepping into new beginnings, seeking a change in direction, or aiming for higher achievements.

We are your dedicated support system!

Our intuitive platform offers action-oriented guidance, psychometric insights, and data-driven tools tailored to align with your unique aspirations and potential.

In search of specialised insights? We also offer 1-on-1 coaching sessions to propel you towards your goals with greater velocity.

Register now, and embark on the journey to unlock the excellence you're destined for.

Sign Up

you can begin with the first activity for free,

or gain access to the full program for just

£29.99 a month

So how does the system work?

1. Register Online

Just register your account directly in the eCoaching experience. The URL for registration is

2. Schedule call with a Coach to shape the program around your needs (optional)

It is possible to go through the eCoaching process without direct coaching but we recommend that you appoint one of our coaches and enjoy the guided experience.

3. Complete activities in your preferred order

We recommend that you follow the activities numerically. however in some cases and under guidance of a coach it could be beneficial to undertake the activities in a different order.

4. Receive personalised insights after each activity

Each flow creation activity is designed to nudge you closer to your desired outcome. Every time you complete an activity you will get direct feedback immediately* and your Business Brain Autobiography will be completed. (*NB: psycometric tests are uploaded by our team so may take up to 48 hours to upload)

5. Discuss your results with a coach & come up with an action plan

Motion creates emotion and action fuelled with emotion generates results. Working with one of our coaches directly will accelerate your growth and make the experience far more valuable. We are giving you a free session with one of our coaches so why not try it out and see how you feel afterwards.

6. Take action in your career & track your progress

Stage 3 onwards is all about taking action and oving forward in your life and career. We will push you and you will move into your growth zone. Our eCoaching process includes goal tracking and reviews so you always have a map to that is guiding you to your next step.

7. Achieve your goals & celebrate with us 

There are few things in life more satisfying that reaching your goals, once you have achieved your "wins for the week" or even the bigger milestones, we are here to celebrate together with you and share your success with the community.

Reaching your goals and milestones deserve some recognition! There will be many achievements to celebrate on your journey of self-development, and we look forward to celebrating with you!

Make the switch to HIGH PERFORMANCE

Why choose The Business Brain eCoaching App...

Our user-friendly digital platform is easy to use whenever you have the time

How and when you use our program is entirely up to you.

We help you to develop a clearer understanding of yourself as a professional

Your strengths, passions, goals, and what style of working is perfect for YOU!

A client-focused, data-driven approach to goal setting and High Performance

Our program gives you the personal insight needed to define and hit your milestones and provides actionable strategies to reach your goals.

Our user-friendly digital platform is easy to use whenever you have the time

How and when you use our program is entirely up to you.

Our full program provides you with a year's worth of ongoing support and resources

Your strengths, passions, goals, and what style of working is perfect for YOU!

Our full program provides you with a monthly ongoing support, group coaching and additional resources

Your strengths, passions, goals, and what style of career path is perfect for YOU!

Want to do

Gain clarity on what you value most in your professional life, what topics you find meaningful to work on, & what energises/engages you at work


Values - What are your values & why do you care about them?

Character strengths assessment - What engages and energizes you in a work environment?

Your interests - What do you find meaningful working on?

Your vision - What is the future you want?

You will walk away with

  • Top 5 professional values & character strengths

  • Ideal company culture & organization type

  • Professional interests & vision

Can do

Discover your personality tendencies, what soft skills you’re naturally great at, and what areas you want to develop further


Personality test - What are your traits & top competencies?

Your soft skills in action - How do your experiences align with your skills?

Cognitive ability test - What are your brain powers?

You will walk away with

  • Personality profile

  • Top 5 soft skills & top areas for development

  • Your competencies in action

  • Your cognitive strength

Taking Action

Apply gained knowledge by defining and pursuing tangible goals that match your flow state, working on limiting beliefs, and tracking your progress.


SMART goals - How are you progressing toward your future?

Taking action - What are you going to do now to achieve your goals?

Limiting beliefs - What are the beliefs that hold you back?

You will walk away with

  • SMART career goals

  • Key Limiting beliefs

  • Empowering beliefs

  • Your 3-months action plan

Ongoing Support

And The Business Brain eCoaching doesn’t end with the completion of the program… Receive ongoing support on your journey including Leadership training, over 100 hours of personal development, and much more.


Netflix for coaching - Dive into our resource library. Choose your topic and binge learn your way to the future you.

Leadership - How to communicate with efficiency and authority.

Continuously taking action - What are your new goals and actions?

You will walk away with

  • Action tracking tool

  • Business Brain Autobiography(c) document to reflect and use as a compass moving forward.

  • Ongoing progress of goals, vision, and mindset

Coaching for every stage of your career

Start Your Career

(or starting something new)

Taking the first step into the unknown is an exciting journey! However, it can be tricky to find a sense of direction that pinpoints an industry or specific role to pursue.

Are you struggling to find the right path that suits your skillset and future goals? The Business Brain eCoaching can provide you with the clarity and guidance needed to find new opportunities and change your life.

Change in Path

(Or lost your way?)

Are you someone who wants more from your career and is in desperate need of a change? Don't worry, you're not alone.

Regardless of your reasons for wanting a change, The Business Brain eCoaching enables you to identify a new path that suits your strengths, expertise, and professional interests.

Contact Us

Questions about the Business Brain? Reach out to us.